Conquering the Root of Bitterness in Peace

Conquering the Root of Bitterness in Peace

Bitterness is born from hurt, resentment, and spite. Can you remember a time you have been bitter?  How does bitterness cause you to react? When we look at life with perspective, we can see that everyone has faced difficulties, unfairness or been wronged in some way. This passage from Hebrews speaks of peace and how it is vital, in every circumstance. Hebrews 12:14 says: Pursue peace with all men and the sanctification without which no one will see the Lord (NASB). As Christians, we need to persistently strive for peace, even amid our trials. Multiple translations of this bible verse encourage us to pursue peace and when we do so, we experience a sense of composure, stillness, and pleasantness.

Furthermore, we must seek to be like Jesus, the Prince of Peace, and live according to his word. Galatians support this notion, saying that peace is a blessing of the Spirit. To cultivate this blessing, we need to consider the changes we need to make.  Getting along with everyone can be a challenging task.  You could see this in Genesis with Abrahm and Lot.  Lot was Abrahm's nephew and they had disagreements because of the strife between their herdsmen (Genesis, 13:7-8). Achieving peace, just like Jesus did, is a challenge and requires dedication. The ultimate goal is to be in the presence of the Lord and reflect his peace.

How can you passionately pursue peace today? 

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